The documentary team follows two happiness agents in their forties who spend a month and a half on the road twice a year, going door-to-door with their questionnaires in isolated villages in the Himalayas. The filmmakers undertake to provide an intimate insight into the daily lives and desires of Bhutanese people, and also seek the answer to the universal question of whether happiness can really be measured. Gross National Happiness promises a heart-warming journey into a mysterious, fairytale-like world, which is the exact opposite of the social order dominated by consumption and desires.
Production Companies:
BNB Film
Match Frame Productions
The deNovo Initiative
Catapult Film Fund
National Film Institute Hungary
Sundance Institute
Production Countries:
Czech Republic
Date: 2024-06-18T12:31:21.000Z
Official UK Trailer [Subtitled]
Date: 2024-01-26T00:00:27.000Z
Meet the Artist 2024: Arun Bhattarai and Dorottya Zurbó on "Agent of Happiness"