Synopsis: Agent Jayne: A Woman with a Missionā introduces audiences to the unfortunate reality of the youth drug trade, exposing the harrowing consequences of addiction and exploitation. As the story unfolds, viewers are plunged into a world of greed, danger, and moral ambiguity. Ā Written and directed by Waqar Peter Gill, the concept of Agent Jayne is based on real events and personal visual experiences. The film aims to emphasize a prudent issue of substance abuse amongst teens, which portrays the use of candy-like opioids. The film is a blend of social awareness amongst the youth and woman empowerment. Directorās Quote: Agent Jayne is a film designed to raise the profile of local upcoming talent, as wella s create an awareness of drug abuse amongst the youth.Ā As a result of the release of Agent Jayne, we can recognize the contributions of all individuals involved in this project.