A rebellious teenager, future Beatle John Lennon lives with his Aunt Mimi in working-class mid-1950s Liverpool, England. Mimi's husband suddenly dies, and John spies his mother Julia at the funeral. Despite Mimi's misgivings, John intends to have a real relationship with his mother. Julia introduces him to popular music and the banjo and, though a family conflict looms, young John is inspired to form his own band.
Production Companies:
Lipsync Productions
Ecosse Films
UK Film Council
Aver Media
North West Vision
Film4 Productions
Production Countries:
United Kingdom
Date: 2024-04-04T17:00:00.000Z
Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Kristin Scott Thomas & Sam Taylor-Johnson on Nowhere Boy | Film4 Interview
Date: 2010-03-11T18:02:58.000Z
Date: 2010-02-26T15:01:54.000Z
Official UK Trailer
Date: 2010-02-21T20:04:57.000Z
Aaron Johnson & Sam Taylor-Wood - BAFTA Film Awards in 2010 Red Carpet