Grace lives an idyllic life in a British seaside town, but her world soon comes crashing down when her husband of 29 years tells her he's leaving her for another woman. Through stages of shock, disbelief and anger -- and with support from her son -- Grace ultimately regains her footing while learning it's never too late to be happy.
Production Companies:
Lipsync Productions
Screen Media Films
Roadside Attractions
Screen Yorkshire
Sampsonic Media
Creative Media Investments
Origin Pictures
Production Countries:
United Kingdom
Date: 2020-09-01T20:12:38.000Z
LIVING ROOM Q&As: Hope Gap with Annette Bening, Bill Nighy, Josh O'Connor and William Nicholson
Date: 2020-08-28T14:28:17.000Z
HOPE GAP | Interview With Writer-Director William Nicholson | In Cinemas & On Curzon Home Cinema Now