After the death of his grandmother, Tom Lee discovers he is part of a long lineage of magical protectors known as the Guardians. With guidance from a mythical tiger named Hu and the other Zodiac animal warriors, Tom trains to take on an evil force that threatens humanity.
Production Companies:
Paramount Animation
Jane Startz Productions
Mikros Animation
Vertigo Entertainment
The Monk Studios
Paramount Pictures
Production Countries:
United States of America
Date: 2024-04-30T09:27:05.000Z
#FocusArtist - Eddy Frechou, Set Modeling Supervisor on The Tiger's Apprentice
Date: 2024-04-22T08:31:22.000Z
#FocusArtist - Anna Kern, Lead Animator on The Tiger's Apprentice
Date: 2024-04-16T06:20:15.000Z
#FocusArtist - Stéphanie Aubriot, CG Supervisor on The Tiger's Apprentice at Mikros Animation
Date: 2024-04-11T13:25:18.000Z
#FocusArtist - Yannick Honoré, Animation Supervisor on The Tiger's Apprentice at Mikros Animation
Date: 2024-04-07T07:00:30.000Z
#OpenMik Mikros Animation - The Tiger's Apprentice | Episode 4/4
Date: 2024-04-03T07:00:27.000Z
#OpenMik Mikros Animation - The Tiger's Apprentice | Episode 3/4
Date: 2024-03-28T08:00:29.000Z
#OpenMik Mikros Animation - The Tiger's Apprentice | Episode 2/4
Date: 2024-03-25T08:00:07.000Z
#OpenMik Mikros Animation - The Tiger's Apprentice | Episode 1/4