Released on: 1980-05-24
Téléphone public
TĂ©lĂ©phone is a great success story in French rock: 300,000 albums sold in 1979. The group was born on December 16, 1976, at a surprise concert at the American Center in Paris. Four instrumentalists, four self-taught, four musicians untroubled by the successive waves of fashions from across the Atlantic and the Channel: Jean-Louis Aubert, singer and songwriter; Louis Bertignac, guitarist; Richard Kolinka, drummer; Corinne Marienneau, bassist. From titles: âMĂ©tro c'est tropâ, âLa bombe humaineâ, âCrache ton veninâ... Portraits and interviews, trances and crowd-pleasers at the Palais des Sports and the Fete de l'HumanitĂ©, a look behind the scenes. Jean-Marie PĂ©rier, with seven cameras in hand, now captures the phenomenon in a feature-length film. Camera movements, editing on a giant triple screen and Dolby Stereo sound all serve to highlight the quartet's harmony and vitality.